About Us

Our Journey in Classic Cars

At Classic Car, Truck, and Jeep Show, our passion for vintage vehicles drives everything we do. Founded by a group of classic car enthusiasts, our organization has evolved into a vibrant hub for collectors and admirers alike. We believe that every vehicle has a story to tell, and we are committed to preserving these tales for future generations.

Our Mission and Vision

About Fort Smith Boys Home

The Fort Smith Boys Shelter has been in business for 46 years! Something we are very proud of. We also understand that during those 46 years many wonderful people and supporters paved the way for our success. Importantly, our success is not about being open, but helping thousands of children during that time…

We are committed to making a difference in the lives of young men, who by no fault of their own have found themselves in very difficult situations. Consistently, we hear heartbreaking stories of abuse, dysfunctional and frankly unliveable and unbearable situations. .Our mission is to give them a safe environment, both physically and emotionally and try our best to NORMALIZE their lives.

 Every organization has its direction and beliefs based on the needs for youth in their care. Many of which are helpful and acceptable. We believe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, while a motivational theory is spot on in terms of reasonable needs for the youth in our care. Those needs include:

  1. Physiological needs: Basic necessities like food, water, and shelter.
  2. Safety needs: Security, stability, and protection.
  3. Love and belonging needs: Social connections, relationships, and a sense of belonging.
  4. Esteem needs: Self-esteem, recognition, and achievement.
  5. Self-actualization: Fulfillment of personal potential and growth.

 Above all we work hard on the Safety Needs, understanding that if that need is not met other needs cannot be reached. Then by opening their world to education and opportunity, amazing things happen….

How We Began

Prior to our 40th celebration in 2018 we proposed a name change, one that would more adequately describe our mission and purpose. That subtle name change would be the Fort Smith Boys Home! Why after 40 years would we change it? Because while we understand this is not their home, we have worked very hard to make it more of a home environment, one that the boy’s could grow, learn and appreciate. Today, I am happy to acknowledge that we have accomplished that and will continue to improve our home. 

Many times, when picking up boy’s from appointments, school or work they say, “ are we going home?” and the answer… YES!